Partnership with OECD intensifies FGV's contribution to global efforts to fight COVID-19
This platform was launched by the OECD to support the development of sector policies, to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and seek alternative ways of mitigating its economic and social effects.

In order to disseminate high-quality analyses in a period of severe economic and social crisis, FGV Europe has reaffirmed its partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which dates back more than 10 years. All the content produced by the organization, in Portuguese and English, will be made available for free on the “Combating the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Contributing to Global Efforts” knowledge hub.
This platform was launched by the OECD to support the development of sector policies, to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and seek alternative ways of mitigating its economic and social effects, particularly in the areas of health, tax, jobs generated by small and medium enterprises, education, science, technology, trade and investment.
The hub also shares best practices and analyzes economic support packages and measures to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. It also evaluates programs to support the sectors that are potentially most affected, produces up-to-date analyses of the likely long-term impacts on economies, and analyzes actions to be taken to help manage these impacts in future.
Contributions by researchers from FGV’s schools and units will be incorporated into this global platform.
To find out more about the platform and FGV Europe’s partnership with the OECD, visit our “Learn About COVID-19” page.
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