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Social Impact Report presents FGV’s actions in area of national defense and security

Get to know FGV’s Social Impact Report and understand how FGV is contributing to Brazil’s ability to protect and monitor its territory, whether through the country’s geopolitical activities or a strong boost to its defense and technology industries

Social Impact Report presents FGV’s actions in area of national defense and security

In a dynamic geopolitical context, safeguarding national defense and security is an essential factor for a nation’s stability and prosperity. This challenge goes beyond the mere preservation of territorial integrity, extending to the effective management of emerging threats, both conventional and disruptive, as well as technological and industrial innovation.

Fundação Getulio Vargas, which is recognized for its analytical approach and commitment to excellence in research and education, plays a key role in understanding and enhancing policies related to this topic, contributing to the formulation of effective and innovative approaches.

In support of the Brazilian Armed Forces, FGV is contributing directly to the modernization of the Navy’s fleet, as well as to the development of new submarines, most notably a nuclear submarine. The effects of this work will be multifaceted and strategic, in terms of the ability to protect and monitor Brazil, the country’s geopolitical positioning and a strong boost to the defense and technology industry.

FGV’s capacity for innovation, in partnership with the national defense establishment, is also seen in the development of the nuclear sector, with important social applications, particularly in the area of health, in essential advances in the area of cybersecurity and in the training of high-level officers for the Brazilian Armed Forces.

Learn about some of our projects:

Next Steps in the Submarine Development Program: FGV was chosen by the Brazilian Navy, as part of its Submarine Development Program, to develop and execute the methodology for the Monitoring Program for Itaguaí Shipbuilding Complex in the state of Rio de Janeiro. This complex is currently building four conventional submarines, three of which (the Riachuelo, Humaitá and Tonelero) have already been launched and incorporated into the Brazilian defense system or are in the incorporation process; a nuclear-powered submarine; and the naval base where the submarine fleet will be stationed.

The Brazilian Navy’s Submarine Development Program was created in 2008, through an agreement to transfer technology from France to Brazil, aimed at protecting Brazil’s natural heritage, guaranteeing the country’s sovereignty at sea through investments in the Navy and developing the defense industry.

Cyber Guardian Drill 5.0: As part of a cooperation agreement with the Brazilian Army’s Cyber Defense Command, FGV supported the execution of the fifth edition of the Cyber Guardian Drill, held in October 2023. The Cyber Guardian Drill is the largest cyber defense simulation in the Southern Hemisphere, similar to major international exercises such as NATO’s Locked Shields and Portugal’s Cyber Perseus.

In this project, FGV was tasked with drawing up a Brazilian Cyber Drill Manual, with the aim of contributing to the dissemination, organization and execution of simulations inspired by the Cyber Guardian Drill at public and private sector organizations throughout Brazil, helping foster a stronger culture of cyber hygiene, security and defense in the country.

FGV Analytics – A Center for Public Security Technology: October 2023 saw the launch of FGV Analytics, a study center created in partnership with the Sao Paulo State Public Security Secretariat and the University of Sao Paulo, with funding from the Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), to accelerate the use of data and artificial intelligence in decision making in the field of public security.

FGV Analytics’ objective is to promote technical infrastructure and coordination between the sector’s key players, developing innovative solutions to pressing challenges.

About FGV’s Social Impact Report:

The Social Impact Report presents FGV’s intellectual output, including facts, figures, research projects and survey results across different areas of the institution. It describes FGV’s range of activities and the positive changes it generates in society.

In line with FGV’s mission to stimulate Brazil’s socioeconomic development, the document presents data and highlights regarding the organization’s evolution in its main areas of impact, whether through projects, initiatives or activities focused on innovation in public and budgetary policies, the green economy, human rights and social development, national defense and security, and global productivity and cooperation.

Click here to see the full report.

Read more about other topics covered by FGV’s Social Impact Report: