2018 retrospective: Events that made the news
O “RenovaBio – Próximos passos”, realizado em 1º de fevereiro pela a FGV Energia, a Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP) e Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) reuniu alguns dos maiores especialistas em energia para debater o programa lançado em 2016 pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia.

Fundação Getulio Vargas took a leadership position on issues of great public interest and sought to bring together the foremost experts in matters of relevance to Brazil and other countries. Events held by FGV or in which the institution was represented by its professors and researchers around the world were relevant in 2018.
That was the case of “RenovaBio – Next Steps”, held on February 1 by FGV Energy, the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and the Energy Research Office (EPE). The event brought together some of the leading energy experts to discuss the program launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
The “2nd Symposium of Women Investors and Women Entrepreneurs: The two new faces of Brazil in the 21st century”, held on March 8, brought together women investors and entrepreneurs to discuss how women can challenge or improve this logic of generating wealth, still dominated by men, while breaking down barriers to building a society that is more suited for the woman’s life cycle. Another event that opened space for issues related to greater female participation was “Gender issues in Law and Economics”, which discussed the gender inequality scenario and the important issues that should be on Brazil’s development agenda to promote the inclusion of women.
A few other issues also began to gain increasingly more space in the public debate: the World Cup and the presidential elections. The football tournament was the central theme of the seminar “World Cup politics – history and memory of the FIFA World Cups (1978-2018)”, on April 4 and 5. The “1st preparatory meeting for the International Security Conference of the Copacabana Fort 2018”, at the Ministry of Defense, was also held on April 5. FGV was represented by Marco Aurélio Ruediger, from FGV’s Public Policy Analysis Division (DAPP), who spoke about the interference of automated profiles in the 2014 elections.
Tomorrow we will address the events that made the news from May to August.
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