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2018 retrospective: Contributions by professors and researchers receive awards and recognition

In addition to institutional awards, the recognition of the educational and research work of Fundação Getulio Vargas professors and students marked 2018.

2018 retrospective: Contributions by professors and researchers receive awards and recognition

In addition to institutional awards, the recognition of the educational and research work of Fundação Getulio Vargas professors and students marked 2018. Some of those awards made the news from May to August.

The study “Shadow Banking, Innovation and Financial Stability”, a result of the PhD thesis of Mariana Aparecida Calabrez Oreng, advised by professor Richard Saito, from FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP), won the 2018 Credit Guarantee Fund Award (FGC). The study aims to identify how the shadowbanking system affects the efficiency of the banking system and financial stability.

Recognition of the work of FGV’s Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) professor Mariana Pargendler in corporate governance earned her an appointment at the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), one of the most renowned research centers in Europe.

The National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (Anpad) awarded the study “Schooling and Distinctive Consumption – A study on the choice of parents for an International School in Rio de Janeiro”, written by Rosmari Capra Sales, an alum of FGV’s Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE), advised by professor Marisol Rodriguez Goia. The author engaged in field work, inspired by the anthropological tradition, to check the expressions that this distinctive consumption assumes in the context of the British School of Rio de Janeiro.

Vincent Guigues, a professor from FGV’s School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), won the Charles Broyden award for best paper in 2017, by the Optimization Methods and Software Journal. His contribution, titled “Non-asymptotic confidence bounds for the optimal value of a stochastic program”, discusses a general approach to build non-asymptotic confidence bounds for stochastic optimization problems.

Tomorrow we will address the retrospective of awards and recognition from September to December.

See the first part of the FGV News retrospective – Awards and Recognition.