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Report reveals how FGV uses AI and other technologies for social impact

Get to know the Social Impact Report and understand how FGV is working with AI and other technologies to boost socioeconomic development in Brazil.

Relatório revela como a FGV usa tecnologia e IA para impactar positivamente a sociedade

In the digital age, the convergence of artificial intelligence and other technologies stands out as an essential catalyst for economic growth and global competitiveness. At the same time, it has become a central factor in both the logic of private enterprise and the ongoing modernization of the state, as well as issues intrinsic to advances in civil society and democracy.

Fundação Getulio Vargas, with its applied research and teaching infrastructure, which makes it the third largest think tank in the world, is investing to help build this new framework. Various initiatives developed by FGV researchers seek to understand the legal framework for AI and establish ethical, fair and safe limits for its use and that of myriad new technologies for the benefit of Brazilians.

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These initiatives also aim to understand how AI can safely contribute to public debate, the management of all arms of the state and the efficiency of the private sector, amid multiple and fast-paced transformations in communication.

Another line of research is dedicated to investigating how these new tools can help boost the country’s economic growth. By understanding the practical implications and opportunities offered by emerging technologies, FGV contributes to the formulation of policies and strategies aimed at leveraging Brazilian competitiveness in global markets.


Learn about more projects:
  • Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Brazil: Regulating artificial intelligence in Brazil is no trivial task. The Federal Senate’s committee of legal experts recently helped draft a new bill to replace bills 5,051 of 2019, 21 of 2020 and 872 of 2021, which required working with professionals in technical areas, translating terms and aligning them with the desired objectives. FGV and the Institute for Research on Law and Technology in Recife (IP.Rec) worked together to assemble a multidisciplinary team to advise the Senate committee, stimulating the exchange of experiences and cooperation in the construction of new regulations for Brazil in this area.

    This multidisciplinary team produced a document addressing problems contained in the bill approved by the House of Representatives and proposing a series of changes to strengthen transparency in the development and use of artificial intelligence systems in the country, as well as the creation of an administrative structure with regulatory powers to oversee and regulate the use of AI.

  • IA and the E-Commerce Logistics Quality Index: FGV carried out a survey to find out customers’ perceptions of e-commerce, focusing on the quality of logistics used for deliveries. To this end, a mathematical model was developed, supported by artificial intelligence, capable of interpreting qualitative expressions captured through a questionnaire and transforming them into quantitative values that can be analyzed in the real world. These values were used to form partial indexes and the E-Commerce Logistics Quality Index.

    After 180 records were processed, it was observed that of the seven attributes analyzed, three scored below 5/10, indicating some concern but also an opportunity for improvement and the development of marketing solutions.

  • Artificial Intelligence Software in the Medical Field: This research project involves solving practical problems arising from contracts signed between developers of AI tools for diagnostic prediction in the medical field and their clients, whether hospitals, clinics or doctors.

    The European Community’s legislative guidelines are a source of research and solutions to the challenges that will be explored. Based on prevailing legal doctrine, contract clauses will be recommended to make up for the shortcomings of legislation applicable to AI regulation.

About FGV’s Social Impact Report:

The Social Impact Report presents FGV’s intellectual output, including facts, figures, research projects and survey results across different areas of the institution. It describes FGV’s range of activities and the positive changes it generates in society.

In line with FGV’s mission to stimulate Brazil’s socioeconomic development, the document presents data and highlights regarding the organization’s evolution in its main areas of impact, whether through projects, initiatives or activities focused on innovation in public and budgetary policies, the green economy, human rights and social development, national defense and security, and global productivity and cooperation.

Click here to see the full report.


Read more about other topics covered by FGV’s Social Impact Report: